Purchasing & Supplier Analysis

Stratum gives you a clearer understanding of your purchasing and vendor performance. As a result, you’ll be armed with the information you need to …

  • Minimize vendor risk
  • Maximize your supplier relationships
  • Manage material costs
  • Leverage your supplier information to negotiate better contracts.

The Supplier performance areas addressed by Stratum include …

  • Supplier Performance

    • Delivery Performance
    • Pricing & Reject Rates
    • Lead Time Variability

Supplier Performance

Use Stratum to better understand the performance of your suppliers and maximize the relationships you have with them.

  • Monitor vendor lead times, schedules and fill rates to:
    • minimize incorrect material quantities
    • reduce short deliveries
    • eliminate excess orders
    • minimize the receipt of defective or wrong products and materials
    • reduce early / late supply deliveries
  • Identify vendors you can count on to deliver product at the right price and on-time with a low percentage of “bad” product
  • Buyer Performance

    • Orders Placed vs. Planned Lead Times
    • Delivery Performance vs. Buyer Plan
    • Lead Time Variability

Buyer Performance

Gain the visibility you need to see how well your procurement organization is performing with Stratum’s key buyer metrics:

  • Buyer receipt / not paid
  • Historical lead time
  • Open orders lead time
  • Purchase price variance by buyer
  • Purchase price variance by buyer / SKU
  • Purchase price trending by buyer
  • Transportation costs
  • Incoming material quantity
  • Failed inspection
  • Supplier on-time delivery
  • Supplier fill rate
  • % of parts delivered to point of use
  • % of transactions via EDI
  • Financial Analysis

    • Average Purchase Price
    • Contract Price Variance
    • Received & Not Paid
    • AP Aging
    • Approved Vendors
    • Payment History
    • Early Invoice Pays

Financial Analysis

Use Stratum to better manage the financial side of your purchasing organization with measures and reports like these:

  • Actual – to – expected cost variance
  • Plant receipt / not paid
  • Purchase Price Variance (PPV) by plant
  • PPV by vendor
  • PPV trending by plant
  • PPV trending by vendor
  • Vendor average purchase price
  • AP aging and trend
  • Days purchases in AP
  • AP average invoice
  • Vendor payment history
  • YTD payables by period
  • Vendor discounting and cash outflow
  • Purchasing Performance

    • Open POs
    • Expected Receipts
    • Request PO

Purchasing Performance

Stratum allows for the day-to-day management and analysis of your purchasing organization.

  • Gain additional insight into your ability to meet purchasing requirements
  • Improve your purchasing performance
  • Reduce unnecessary inventory investments
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The Definitive Guide to Defining & Delivering Effective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

If you're looking to gain more knowledge about the meaning of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the value they can offer to your business, how to plan and collaborate around them and so much more, download our recently published guide to KPIs.

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