Marketing Analysis & Reporting

Stratum’s marketing performance metrics provide the insight you need to …

  • Target the right prospects and customers
  • Use your promotional monies more effectively
  • Select the best channels for your marketing campaign initiatives
  • Better identify opportunities to increase sales and growth
  • Achieve your category management objectives

The Marketing performance areas addressed by Stratum include…

  • Channel Performance

    • Market Analysis
    • Syndicated Data Consumption

Channel Performance

Stratum’s channel performance analytics were designed to help marketers easily monitor data consumption and competitive market information to ...

  • Gain a much clearer picture of competitors’ performance
  • Pinpoint the information needed to:
    • Better market new products
    • Sunset existing products
    • Refine the promotional focus of current marketing initiatives
  • Category Performance

    • Performance
    • Growth

Category Performance

Rely on Stratum to help you identify category strengths, weaknesses and opportunities so your marketing campaigns and product introductions will be more effective. Use its powerful category scorecard to spotlight …

  • Category growth areas
  • Category trends
  • Category underperformers
  • Shipments vs. consumption
  • UPC price analysis
  • Trade Funds Performance

    • Plan / Budget
    • Trade Accruals
    • Deductions Analysis
    • Promotional Effectiveness
    • Spending vs. Revenue
    • Customer Profitability

Trade Funds Performance

With Stratum you can easily plan, monitor and assess the success of your trade fund and promotional activities from a single application.

  • Flexibly allocate funds to specific promotions
  • Identify unallocated funding with ease
  • Monitor funds / promotions at a glance to avoid overspending
  • Track and monitor claimed deductions by customer
  • Monitor customer accruals and which ones have been settled
  • Track deductions, which customers deduct the most, and why
  • Analyze customer profitability after spends and deductions
  • Assess how well your sales increase over a promotional period
  • Point-of-Sale Analysis

    • Sell-Through
    • Retailer Performance

Point-of-Sale Analysis

Count on Stratum to help you analyze sell-through and retailer account performance.

  • Improve your visibility to demand
  • Reduce inventory investment
  • Decrease returns
  • Increase customer service levels
KPI Guide Picture

The Definitive Guide to Defining & Delivering Effective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

If you're looking to gain more knowledge about the meaning of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the value they can offer to your business, how to plan and collaborate around them and so much more, download our recently published guide to KPIs.

Get Silvon’s KPI Guide

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