Scheduled INSIGHT Web-Based Educational Series for Silvon Customers

Web-Based Training Series

Gain tips and techniques to help you better manage and use Stratum whether you’re new to the application, looking to explore more advanced uses of it, or simply interested in refreshing your skills.

Be part of the action with Stratum INSIGHT education!

Held bi-weekly, Stratum INSIGHT sessions deliver the know-how you need to exceed with your planning, analysis and reporting initiatives. The sessions are taught LIVE over the Internet by a Stratum expert while providing the opportunity for participants and the instructor to interact with each other.

INSIGHT is available free-of-charge to all Silvon customers on maintenance. Each class is less than 30 minutes in duration and kicks off at 11:00 a.m. (Central).

Course Information for Q1 2025

If you’re new to Stratum or looking for a refresher on some of its core functions, you won’t want to miss this info-packed session! We’ll cover a host of best practices for building Stratum views, starting from building a view from scratch and the effort and thought process involved. Primary elements such as dimensions, measures, time ranges, filtering, and sorting will be covered. We’ll also show how you can control the cosmetic look of your Stratum views using various display options. In addition, we’ll dish up some tips and tricks for managing and maintaining your views. This is a great session for Stratum newbies and folks looking to refresh their view building and view management skills!
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Join us during this session to see how easy it is to bring data into Stratum from Excel. We’ll show some examples of loading in sales planning data from Excel into the Stratum Data Hub to create multi-level plans. We’ll also show you how you can use Excel to easily maintain and update Master File attributes about products, locations, product classes, etc., in your Stratum reports and as drill-down dimensions in your Stratum analytical views.
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If you are not currently using Stratum 7.5, we invite you to tune into this session for a review of its key features, including its new glossary that provides a broader understanding of the data included in your Stratum reports. With the Stratum Glossary, you can now answer questions like: “How is the Actual Sales Gross Margin Amount calculated in this view?” “What does Product Category Role data represent?” and much more. We’ll also show you how you can fine-tune your reports with new filter types and easily monitor Key Performance Indicator (KPI) trends.
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Don’t miss out on this INSIGHT session as we review our latest Stratum release! During it, we’ll cover numerous new options for importing data into Stratum, including the use of SQL Server databases, text files, and CSV files as sources. We’ll show you how you can initiate cloud imports from Azure sources and the mapping templates being provided to help you do so. We will also preview a few new menus for administrators to make their jobs easier, along with a highly requested utility for previewing Stratum data in a tabular database.
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We invite you to tune into this session and discover the high-impact charting features offered in Stratum Dashboards. During the class, we’ll highlight several ways to visually showcase your data using gauges and a variety of other charting options. We’ll offer up some best practices relative to what’s too much or too little when it comes to visualizing your data. We’ll show you how to structure your charts so you can easily jump to views to see the underlying detail, and so much more!
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If you use Power BI for building visual dashboards, we invite you to tune into this session to learn more about Stratum’s Access Hub! During it, we’ll take you step-by-step through the process of bringing data into Power BI and creating and displaying drill-through visualizations of it within a Power BI report. Discover how to build the right views of Stratum data to showcase your KPIs and other business metrics in your Power BI visualizations!
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Click here to view our previously recorded classes

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