Intelligent Analytics
Debunking the Myths of Demand Forecasting
Putting a new forecasting system in place usually meets with a good deal of resistance for a variety of reasons – some…
Why Have a Supply Chain Information Repository?
Big data and corporate data warehouses have been expanding exponentially with information that’s not exactly a benefit to the operations and supply…
Analyzing and Managing Supply Chain Risks
The financial health of an enterprise today is directly dependent upon the health of their supply chain. With that exposure, it is…
Creating and Executing an Inventory Plan
Inventory is one of the largest assets on the balance sheet of most manufacturing and distribution companies ― understandably making it a…
5 Steps To Bringing Operational Analytics Online
There is an increasing emphasis on leveraging operational analytics throughout the enterprise, but some businesses can end up less than happy with…
Setting Sail With Sales & Operations Planning – Part 2
In Part 1 of “Setting Sail with Sales & Operations Planning” I discussed the wide variety of reasons companies move toward a…
Setting Sail With Sales & Operations Planning – Part 1
A number of business challenges are driving more and more companies to formally embrace Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP). While the benefits…
Flash Reporting: Tips For Monitoring Your Business Daily
Companies use flash reports to see how the business is doing on a daily basis and to communicate key performance indicators…
Using Analytics to “Trade Up” on Promotional Programs
Marketing professionals are finding more and more creative ways to use trade funds and promotions to increase product turnover and overall sales….
Determining the ROI of Forecasting Systems
Estimating the Return-On-Investment (ROI) for a new demand forecasting system can be difficult and requires an appreciation of the downstream impacts of more…